The Acupuncture Now Foundation (ANF) was founded in 2014 by a diverse group of people from around the world who were concerned about common misunderstandings regarding acupuncture and wanted to help acupuncture reach its full potential. Our goal is to collect and disseminate unbiased and authoritative information about all aspects of the practice of acupuncture. All of our Officers and Advisors are volunteers who receive no payment for their service to the ANF.
Acupuncture is currently practiced in well over 100 countries and is used to treat both people and animals (veterinary acupuncture). The scope of acupuncture’s practice is vast, complex, and is in a dynamic phase of growth. As such, there is a need for a stand-alone organization that will focus on improving the level of information available to the public, healthcare providers, and public health decision-makers about its practice.
The ANF has particular interest in public outreach campaigns, the role of research, and encouraging the development of acupuncture best practices. We are also open to working with existing acupuncture-related organizations and do not discriminate between different practice related schools of thought or practitioner types. We seek to become the clearing house of “all things acupuncture” and to actively disseminate accurate information about its strengths and weaknesses. We are a Non-profit foundation in the U.S. and gratefully accept donations to help fund our mission. Please click our “Donate” button for information on how to donate or other means of supporting our important mission.
Thank you,
The Acupuncture Now Foundation
Acupuncture is currently practiced in well over 100 countries and is used to treat both people and animals (veterinary acupuncture). The scope of acupuncture’s practice is vast, complex, and is in a dynamic phase of growth. As such, there is a need for a stand-alone organization that will focus on improving the level of information available to the public, healthcare providers, and public health decision-makers about its practice.
The ANF has particular interest in public outreach campaigns, the role of research, and encouraging the development of acupuncture best practices. We are also open to working with existing acupuncture-related organizations and do not discriminate between different practice related schools of thought or practitioner types. We seek to become the clearing house of “all things acupuncture” and to actively disseminate accurate information about its strengths and weaknesses. We are a Non-profit foundation in the U.S. and gratefully accept donations to help fund our mission. Please click our “Donate” button for information on how to donate or other means of supporting our important mission.
Thank you,
The Acupuncture Now Foundation